Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well, I am getting more courageous about venturing out. Yesterday I decided to live dangerously and we stopped by work, the library, the post office, and Michael's Crafts all without a bottle! What a daredevil! :) I'm practicing leaving the house for when I have a deadline (like making it to work on time). It was only supposed to be a trip to the library, but Espen was so good, I crammed in as many errands as I could. :) I was proud of him being so patient. :)

We had a fun day yesterday. :) There was a lot of giggling. Espen was lying in his crib talking to his mobile (or, as I call it: "his critters.") and I took a little video of him. I was putting it on the computer to put on here, while I was holding him on my lap. As I was trying to figure it out, the clip started playing, and Espen started laughing at himself. He was staring at the screen imitating the same sounds he was making on the video. It was as if he was talking to himself. He thought it was great, so we watched it a few more times, him just giggling up a storm. :) It was so cute!

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