Monday, January 5, 2009

Crawling like a champ!

Just wanted to give a quick update on Espen's milestones. He is crawling like crazy (if you couldn't tell from the Christmas video) and getting into EVERYTHING! He is "clapping" (hitting one open hand onto his fist) and likes to kneel to look at stuff. He climbs up over just about anything and has just started pulling to standing, although he falls down pretty quickly. It's only a matter of time now. :) He actually climbed up on my lap to climb onto the couch the other day. He eats like crazy, about 5-6 jars of baby food a day, and his top two teeth are almost in. (I was hoping they'd make it for Christmas... I had a whole "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" blog post planned... oh well.) He's really getting the whole concept of "in and out," too. He loves putting things in and dumping them out. Balls are a big hit with him, and a lot of his Christmas toys involve putting balls in stuff. I will post a video later. He still loves music and is into "Jack's Big Music Show." It's a cute little show with muppets that sing all different kinds of music. He got the DVD for X-mas, and it has an episode starring Jon Stewart! HA!

Here's the picture of his teeth I promised.

1 comment:

Milles Family said...

What a cute picture! :)
Congrats Espen on crawling! It is so much fun watching them explore their world! :o)