Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fire Hazard

Warning!: Exposure to Espen's cuteness may cause damage to life, limb, and property!

We got an e-mail from Pat, a family friend, this morning, and I just have to relate this story! Pat writes: "Got the birth announcement today but only had time to set it aside before dinner. Just now, I decided to go to the blog and look at the pics. That baby is so damn cute that I forgot I had oil on the stove for popping my nighttime corn. Well, imagine my surprise when I began to smell the burning oil permeating the beautiful night air. After uttering an expletive, I leaped to my feet and snatched the molten hot pot from the stove and ran outside. Once there, I removed the lid and the pot burst into flames. Thankfully, I had earlier in the evening watered the flowers and the grass outside the back porch. I was able to kick over the pot and extinguish the blaze before the local Fire Department could find out how stupid I was. All because Baby Bosco's pictures are soooo damn cute!"


A lot has been going on this week! This is Jason's last week at home before he has to go back to work. AACK!!! I'm freaking out a little bit! (Ok, a LOT!) I really don't know how Espen and I are going to manage. I've gotten so used to having Jason around to help out. And he has been GREAT! I'm not sure I remember how to function on my own. :) I know that next week is going to be rough on all of us, since Jason isn't used to being at work either. Wish us luck!

So since this is our last week of double parenting, we've been trying to get a few things done that will be a lot harder with only one parent. Friday we took Espen for his 1-month portrait.
If you want to see them, follow the KiddieKandids link on the left. The sitting number is: 017022566 and the code is: 85FWDF8. Espen was so cute! And really good for the most part. He doesn't like being on his tummy much, so he got a bit fussy when they kept trying to get him to lay like that. I wasn't too thrilled about it either, as he kept mashing his face into the photo carpet and crying. All I could think about was all the germs from all the other kids that must be on there. YUCK! I hope Espen doesn't get sick. Jason made the point that he can't live in a bubble forever. True, but I'm still concerned. :)

Espen also made his first visit to Ferguson Optical! He looks so cute with his PD ruler and frames! Check out the three generations!

We took our first real walk (other than out to the mailbox and back) with the whole family (except Iggy the Iguana of course). Espen liked it at first, but got fussy about half-way. I think he was getting hungry, but what else is new? The hungry, hungry hippo eats every hour and a half or so!
That is, except at night. We have been really working with him, and Espen now usually (knock on wood) sleeps for 3-4 hour stretches at night. Sometimes even 5 hours when we're really lucky. :) Some nights are better than others, but SO much better than before. I still wake up about 100 times a night, but only to check to make sure he's still breathing. :) I keep having dreams that I've fallen asleep with him in the bed and I'm suffocating him. That jerks me awake in a panic, and happens at least 10 times a night. I'm just a tad neurotic. :)
I'll be putting more pictures up on Shutterfly today. I have slowed down somewhat on the sheer number of pictures that I am taking. :) Perhaps that will reduce the risk of fire. :)

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