Sunday, October 5, 2008

Slacker Mom

So sorry that I haven't posted in so long! I can't believe that it's been more than a month! Ridiculous how fast time slips away. I am freaking out that Christmas is right around the corner! Espen is continuing to grow by leaps and bounds. We are now unable to keep him on his back for more than a few seconds, which make diaper changes rather difficult. :) First it was the feet... now its the rolling over. I pine for the days when he just laid there while we changed him. :)

In addition to the rolling (and rolling... and rolling...) Espen is getting pretty good at sitting up. He still needs a little help to keep from falling over when he gets excited, but he is getting better every day. When he is on his tummy, there is a lot of flailing and squirming as he tries to crawl. He has the legs down, but getting them to work in tandem with his arms is the hard part. Usually he just drags his face along the floor. It's actually pretty silly to watch.

Espen is also working on his vocal skills. Yesterday he gave me a very happy good morning by babbling, "Mamamamamamaaa Mamama Mamaamma" when I picked him up out of his crib. I was glowing all day at work, and by the time I got home, Jason had him saying (a shorter), "Mama." I don't think he has any clue that it refers to me per se, but it warms my heart anyway. He also makes cute little hooting noises and screeching "baby raptor" noises. Last Sunday I was out with some friends that were in town and Jason took Espen to church. Jay says that Espen was great until, "Let us pray..." and then the screeching began. (In case you were wondering, this is not an "I'm unhappy!" screech. It's an "I enjoy the sound of nails on a chalkboard. Revel with me as I attempt to duplicate it!" screech.) Jason retreated to the glassed in "cry room" which was full with other noisy kids. They thought Espen's screeching was great fun, and joined in a rousing chorus with him, much to the chagrin of all of the adults in the room. I laughed when I heard that story! Poor Jay! :)

By the way, Espen is now on OK terms with the Zebra. :)

FYI: Espen will be 6 months old on Friday. (YAY!) :) He has his 6 month check-up on Oct. 15, so I will try to post his stats shortly thereafter.

I'll try to post more often. I used to be able to post while Espen was nursing, but now he is far too distractable for the "pretty and bright" computer to be even in the same room. So I have to find spare time. (HA! What's that?) :) Also, my dad is having his prostate removed on Thursday and he will be out of commission for a while, so my family and work demands will also be increasing, so don't crucify me if I fall off the posting wagon again for a while.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He's ADORABLE! I can't believe how big he is getting! We missed you at brunch the other day. I'll keep you all in my prayers, I am sure your dad will do just fine. Give us an update whenever you have time!
-kim burkett