Sunday, January 4, 2009

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been more than a month since my last post. :)

Sorry about that... I will try to do better! The madness of the holidays has slowed and maybe things can return to psuedo-normal. We had a wonderful Christmas and hope you all did too! Our New Years was quiet, as I was recovering from a very nasty bout of food poisoning. I finally got over that, just to catch a cold and end up with sinus and ear infections. Yuck. Fortunately, Espen and Jason have dodged the bullet so far.

So know everyone is dying for adorable pictures from Espen's first Christmas, and I am happy to oblige. Here ya go:

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Vogel's house.

Espen got a big kick out of opening his presents.

Espen and daddy with Espen's new convertible. BEEP! BEEP!

Espen's favorite gift... a hanger. What a goof!

Christmas morning at home! Yummy presents!

Look at all this good stuff! Someone must have been awfully good!

Hmmm.... Batteries not included???

What's in here?

I think I like Christmas!

Espen loves this ornament. He keeps trying to take it off the tree.

Christmas day at Great-grandma and Great-grandpa Vogel's house.

Christmas evening at Grandma and Grandpa Little's house.

Espen is dwarfed by his pile of gifts.

Our bundle of joy, ready for bed.

A video from Christmas morning (It's kind of long [about 6 minutes], sorry!):

As you can see, Espen got more stuff than we know what to do with! :) He loves playing with his new toys. Keep your eyes peeled for posts highlighting some of his fun times!

Hope you all had great holidays! Let us know what is going on with you!

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