Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Happy Easter!

I know this is really late, but I wanted to share some pics of Espen's first Easter. It seems weird that his first Easter would fall after his first birthday, but whatever. We were going to give him his Easter surprise in the evening because we had such a packed day, but Espen had other plans. As soon as he woke up, he made a beeline for his basket. The Easter Bunny left Espen a big basket of eggs filled with his favorite snacks, like Cheerios. He is still playing with the eggs.

We went out to breakfast with Grandma and Grandpa Vogel, Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Vogel, Aunt Katy, and Cousins Heather, Brian, Chloe, and Izzy. Then to the Cardinals game (see other post). And we finished the evening at Jason's parents' house for dinner.

Here are some pictures:

And this video is so funny and cute! Espen was so proud of himself.

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