Monday, May 12, 2008

One Month Down, Forever To Go!

I thought that I would do a quick update on Espen and his family. This is the first time that Dad is actually posting on the blog, so please excuse me if it is not as cool as Mom's updates. Well, Kris and I have officially survived month one of life with Espen. Fatherhood has been a great experience and it is almost impossible to imagine my life B.E. (before Espen). This past month has been filled with lots of happiness, lots of sleepless nights, lots of diapers, but most importantly lots of love. It's not always easy but it is well worth all the effort.

Yesterday, Kristin got to experience her first Mother's day and Espen got to be a world traveler as we visited both sets of proud Grandparents. This was his longest amount of time away from the home nest so far and he was on his best behavior, of course. Espen even gave Mom a special present for Mommy's Day...his longest night of sleep yet. We are hoping that his sleep schedule is starting to round into form but it is still way too early to celebrate anything yet. By the way, I picked up the book Good Night, Sleep Tight today at the library and hopefully this will help the process. Thank you very much to a couple of our friends that suggested it might help with getting Espen's sleep schedule regulated.

Well, there is not much else going on in the Little household except for the regular routines based around the little guy. I hope everyone is doing well and I will try not to be a stranger here...but no guarantees. Once again happy Mother's day to my wonderful wife Kristin and to all the Mom's out there, I am finally starting to realize the sacrifice it takes to be a Thanks!

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