Friday, April 11, 2008

He's HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Espen Robert Little made his debut on April 10, 2008 at 5:48 pm. He is 9 lbs. 4 oz. and adorable! Mom, Dad, and baby are doing great! (Well, dad is ecstatic, mom is thrilled but sore, and baby is gassy.) :) Espen was born via C-section after 15 hours of labor. He is quite a big little guy, and he just wasn't going to fit. The labor actually wasn't too bad until my water broke, and then it hurt like you can't imagine (unless you've been in labor or totured at a Shanghai prison). I HIGHLY recommend the epidural to all those future mommies-to-be out there. I thought I would be able to tolerate the pain, but I am apparently much wussier than I thought. :) The epidural made everything happy again, and labor progressed much faster than I thought with it in. Plus it was a bonus to already have it when we had to switch gears and do the C-section.

Espen is practically perfect in every way! He is having a bit of an issue with gas this evening, and it is making his poor little tummy hurt. We're hoping that once he learns to breastfeed a little better he won't be gulping so much air, and less painful bubbles. Other than that (and an odd desire to stick his hands in his face, he is perfect! He is very alert and happy most of the time. He "talks" quite a bit, making cute babbling noises. I swear that when they brought him to me and I said, "hello," he said "hello" back! (Although it sounded more like "Eeee-roww.") I would say that his motor skills are also excpetional, as he reaches out and grabs Jason's or my fingers, but he has smacked himself in the head a few times today, so maybe I'd better not gush too much. :) Much to Jason's chagrin, Espen is an also overachiever in dirty diapers. :)

Espen is a Scadinavian name that means "Bear of the gods" or "Bear of God." He really is quite the little bear with his size. :)

I am putting up some pictures on Shutterfly, but here is one to tide you over. :)

1 comment:

Budgie said...

That's a great pic! Thanks for posting. :) -Kelly