Friday, April 25, 2008

What a Big Boy!

Well, we saw the pediatrician yesterday for Espen's 2 week check-up, and he has gained 1 pound, 1 ounce since last week! Holy Cow! No wonder he was eating so much! The doc says he looks very healthy and strong, and a little ahead of the curve on muscle tone (future all-star!). He is really starting to work his neck muscles well. Maybe because he is constantly rooting around for a meal. :) He still is not nursing, which is the one thing the doctor wants us to work on. It's going to be a rough next few days trying to force him to do something he is so resistant to, but I guess it's good practice for later when I have to make him clean his room. :) He's sleeping for longer stretches too, which is a nice relief for mom and dad, although we weren't really smart about it and forgot to take naps yesterday, resulting in a really tired and cranky mommy and daddy. Mom ended up getting about 4 and 1/2 hours of sleep last night and dad is sleeping now, though, so it's all ok. (Espen is also sleeping, and mommy should too, but I want to be awake in case Espen wakes up so that Jason can get a few hours of shut-eye.)

Espen's gooky eye is getting better. His left eye has been crusty since birth due to a clogged tear duct. We are trying to keep it clean, although sometimes it still gets glued shut and Espen becomes a pirate baby. :) Argh! Get this... The pediatrician said to help it heal up we should put drops of breastmilk in it! Isn't that crazy! Apparently breastmilk has white cells in it and can be used to promote healing. I never would have thought of that! You learn somthing new every day. Espen is not very happy about us putting stuff in his eye, but it does seem to be helping.

Well, gotta go. Espen is awake and being cute. I don't want to miss a second!

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